
Tips, Training and News From Instructor James Dowler

James Dowler holding concealed weapons permit

The Differences Between Concealed Carry License acronyms CWP, CCL, CCP, and LTC

January 15, 20232 min read

If you are considering obtaining a concealed weapons permit, or license to carry you may come across a variety of acronyms that can be confusing if you are not familiar with them. CWP, CCL, CCP, and LTC are four such acronyms that may be used in the context of concealed carry licenses. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between these four terms and provide a brief overview of what they stand for.

  • CWP: Concealed Weapon Permit – A Concealed Weapon Permit (CWP), also known as a concealed carry permit or a concealed handgun license, allows an individual to carry a concealed handgun in public. CWPs are issued by state governments and typically require an application process that includes a background check and training requirements. The state of Florida uses the term CWP.

  • CCL: Concealed Carry License – A Concealed Carry License (CCL) is another term that may be used to refer to a permit that allows an individual to carry a concealed handgun in public. The term CCL may be used interchangeably with CWP in some states.

  • CCP: Concealed Carry Permit – Concealed Carry Permit (CCP) is another term that may be used to refer to a permit that allows an individual to carry a concealed handgun in public. The term CCP may be used interchangeably with CWP or CCL in some states.

  • LTC: License To Carry – License To Carry (LTC) is another term that may be used to refer to a permit that allows an individual to carry a concealed handgun in public. The term LTC may be used interchangeably with CWP, CCL, or CCP in some states.

In summary, CWP, CCL, CCP, and LTC are four acronyms that are commonly used in the context of concealed carry licenses. These acronyms refer to permits that allow individuals to carry concealed handguns in public and may be used interchangeably in different states.

Learn more about Florida gun laws and how to take my CWP class.

Looking forward to talking to you soon, your friendly neighborhood firearms instructor,


CWPCCLCCPLTCConcealed Weapons PermitConcealed Carry LicenseConcealed Carry PermitLicense to Carry
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James Dowler

James Dowler is a NRA Certified Pistol Instructor and founder of Survival of the Fittest Pistol Courses. He offers courses in firearm safety that are designed to familiarize you with your pistol and all of its features, while also teaching beginner classes and concealed carry classes. James is on the safety team of his church, and is passionate about protecting his wife, son, and community.

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